Thursday 13 September 2012

A Little History and the Parade of Kings

After all the dramas of previous days, we decided to have a relaxing day on Wednesday. Karen and Bink headed into town in the morning and went for a rummage round the shops. On returning to the Backpackers, they presented Howard with a wooden model Land Rover. In the afternoon we all visited the National Museum of Kenya, which houses some of the most important artefacts of human history, like the early Homonid skulls and the Turkana Boy skeleton. We also visited the Snake Park next door.

Thursday was supposed to start bright and early with a 6am departure to the Nairobi National Park but Howard set his alarm for 5.30pm instead of 5.30am, so we didn't leave until nearly 7am. We were still at the park in time to catch the busy period early in the morning when most of the animals are more active. We headed for the Hyena Dam and found Hippos, Maribou Stork, a lone Buffalo bull and a family of Grey-Crowned Cranes, then we continued towards the Leopard Cliff. Along the way we found two large male Lions strolling across the plain. They flopped onto the grass about 150 yards from the trail and lay down to sleep, disappearing into the long grass. Moving on, we came across a herd of Impala and watched as they crossed the road in front of us. As the passed, we noticed we were not the only ones watching them; beyond the bushes we spotted the intent gaze of a male Lion, weighing up whether to have an Impala snack. In the end he chose not to and the Impala moved off. The lion turned out not to be alone, but to be with another similar aged male. The pair sat around for a while and then moved off into the bush, where they too layed down to sleep.

Impala on the move

Spot the danger!!!

Two Kings

Something in the air...Could he detect a female in heat?

Just when we thought it couldn't get any better, we found another two Lions. This time it was a honeymoon couple. Every 10-15 minutes they would mate briefly, before flopping onto the grass to snooze until the next session.

Copulating King

Yeah Baby!!!

Bink photographing Lion porn

The Happy Couple

Once we had taken all the Lion porn we could handle, we headed to the Baboon Picnic area for lunch, where we found Rock Hyrax. After lunch we headed slowly back to the main gate, finding large numbers of Zebra and Masai Giraffe along the way. One of the Zebra had a nasty wound on its flank, which appeared to be a Lion attack.

Cute little Rock Hyrax

Back at the Backpackers, we had time for a shower before dinner. Tomorrow Locks and Pam fly home and the rest of us are planning to visit the Sheldrick Trust Orphanage, then we too will head home on Saturday morning.

If you haven't already, please consider making a donation to our fundraising for Save The Elephants through our Just Giving page.

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